Our Service

Service Object

With content and the margin from product, we can help mobile operator, publisher, equipment manufacturer, advertiser and developer to maximize the conversion of traffic into their revenue.

Service Content

Providing search、 content (News and videos, music, food, etc.)、application to individualize mobile equipment and profit from user interaction.

User Base

After one year’s accumulation, the amount of our daily active users reached 2,000,000 and covered 200 counties and area around the world.

Our Product

Enterprise Features of Ousaa

We are a high level technical team, with members who are energetic and young. Our core team members are engaged in the Internet industry for many years, all with outstanding technical ability and rich development experience. Other members are mostly Post-90s,after multiple working hours,they are full of energy, creativity and dreams

About Ousaa

Ousaa Technology. Co.,Ltd, found on January 2016, located in SongshanLake High-tech Development Zone, a very beautiful place. We focus on overseas mobile traffic monetization for manufacturers; marketing business and internet product develop. We own a navigation site, news, video, music, food and other content sites, as well as apps like browser, weather report, calculators, cleaning etc..